Mom's Birthday - November 2

Today is my mother’s birthday. She will be gone thirteen years on November 17 but of course she is still here.

My mother was the smartest person I have ever known and a truly remarkable professional woman.

She went to work when I was three years old as a secretary at American Cyanamid in Wayne, NJ. When I was in junior high school she started college at night at Montclair State College. She was not only an outstanding business student but kept our household running while working full time. She was fortunate enough to have a husband who loved her very much and stepped up in a big way when it came to doing things around the house that many husbands weren’t used to doing (while also working full time).

My mother graduated at the end of my freshman year in college and went on to become the Manager of Export Sales (Chemical division) at the world headquarters of Cyanamid at a time when VERY few women held such positions. Cyanamid was a huge company with subsidiaries including Old Spice and Breck.

Despite her success in business my mother was one of the most humble people I’ve ever known. It wasn’t about ego for her. It was about hard work, doing what needed to be done, and never having any excuses. My mother did not suffer fools gladly – and I have some great stories to back that up!

Above and beyond her professional success – she was first and foremost a great mother to me and my two brothers. She was as tough as the day is long but the mission first mentality we were raised with has served us well. And through it all, her warmth, love and the pride she had in us and her grandchildren shone through.

My mother wasn’t much of a talker and didn’t have much use for those who were. She spoke through the way she lived, and for those smart enough to pay attention, her influence lives on.

There are some great stories about my mother in the “Subject To Change” show that are sure to make you laugh. But today the thoughts I carry will bring a loving smile to my face and a tear to my eye.

Check out the song “You’re Here” (Featured Song on Blog page). If your mom is still here give her a call and tell her you love her. If she’s not... close your eyes and think of her... because she truly does lives on.